Dinner and Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.
Kevin Laciter bit into a bread roll while Seth talked about Harvard. The week before he had talked about community college, and the week before that some other college down in Florida. His son stopped talking to butter his bread, but Kevin couldn't tell if he wanted his advice or not. It seemed every time he tried to offer it, Seth would bite his head off. "Or I could just go to community college," he shrugged. "There'd be less to worry about with scholarships and whatnot." "Mhm," said Kevin. It's like he's baiting me to respond so he can yell at me if I disagree. Paula rounded the corner, "Or you could take a year off to consider your options," she said. Kevin glared at her. Paula ignored him and plated herself a roast chicken leg. "No," said Seth. "I'll think of something." Oh thank God. Seth must have seen a look on Kevin's face. "I'm sure dad doesn't want me to stick around. anyway....