
Showing posts from November 15, 2022


Does everyone have money problems right now? This economy is going to shit. Fuck you Biden! Just kidding. Wtf do I know about how politics plays into the problems of today? I just see the problems. How many of my friends and I are struggling to make ends meet. How rent is higher, our salaries lower, our car parts getting more expensive and lawyers living large for bringing the wrong folks to "justice".  Is everyone's truth true? Relativism is not a good philosophy in my opinion because then nobody can make any rules or say anything at all without it being untrue to someone else and therefore meaningless and discredited. For example we might believe in freedom. But the motherfuckers killing freedom-lovers in Iran disagree. But is the dichotomy true v. false? No. I think it's cruel v. kind. Or something more basic that we humans feel in our bones rather than our minds. Something everyone can grasp.  Human cruelty has and always will be around. For justifiable (response ...